Rachel Turner


My experience in web design includes Adobe Creative Suite programs, jQuery Mobile, JavaScript, and various plugins. Working in CMS like WordPress and Framework design to enhance UI/UX. Collaborating with clients to fulfill their needs and grow their networking and e-business.

  1. Wordpress
  2. Web design
  3. RWD Responsive Web design
  4. Dreamweaver
  5. jQuery mobile


My name is Rachel Williams-Turner. I was raised in Las Vegas, NV where I currently go to college. I am 21 years old and I am studying to be a web designer and a web developer. I was not born in Vegas but I grew up here and it is been a good experience to live in a advertisement focused city. It was fascinating seeing all the lights and billboards around me and wondered if I would ever get to make one of those one day.

Currently attending CSN and will be graduating for web design spring of 2016. Aiming for a second AAS in web development in fall 2016. There is multiple sides to web design, from clientele to coding. My experience includes working from the scratch to developing sites for various types of clients and projects.

I do not stop if it is too challenging. Web design is my passion and I desire to be the best version of me in my career as a web designer.

The aspects of problem-solving and continuous learning peak my motivation and make me want to work hard to achieve my goals.


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